The division of the Earth
8 When the Most High gave the nations an inheritance, when he parted the sons of Adam from one
another, he proceeded to fix the boundary of the peoples, with regard for the number of the sons of
Have you wondered what the most likely date for this division is? Have you asked yourself when did God confuse the languages so as to frustrate the construction of the
Now, let us try and nail this date. Who knows maybe the time has come to find out?
The best approximation we get from the Bible is as follows:
24 And Arpachshad became father to Shelah, and Shelah became father to Eber.
25 And to Eber there were two sons born. The name of the one was Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided; and the name of his brother was Joktan. (Genesis 10)
Peleg means “division” or “stream” and Joktan means “small” or “little”.
Since Peleg is mentioned first, we assume he is the one with the firstborn rights, while Joktan would be the second son. If we apply the inheritance principle of 2:1 chronologically, Peleg should get a period of domination twice as long as Joktan. Their inheritance period started with the scattering of mankind from
The territory associated with Joktan seems interesting…
26 And Joktan became father to Al·odad and Sheleph and Hazarmaveth and Jerah 27 and Hadoram and Uzal and Diklah 28 and Obal and Abimael and Sheba 29 and Ophir and Havilah and Jobab; all these were the sons of Joktan.
30 And their place of dwelling came to extend from Mesha as far as Sephar, the mountainous region of the East. (Genesis 10)
The names of some descendants of Joktan seem to have been preserved in various parts of the south and south-west of
Quote: “There is an Arab tradition that Joktan (Arab. Kahtan) was the progenitor of all the purest tribes of Central and
Well, what we want to emphasize here is that Joktan is an appropriate representative of the Arab Muslims whose religion began in 621/622 BCE.
This analysis will show that since the division of the Earth in the days of Peleg at
The time of Enosh
Speaking about the time of Enosh, the Bible adds an important piece of information which we have to use in this chronological jigsaw:
26 And to Seth also there was born a son and he proceeded to call his name Enosh. At that time a start was made of calling on the name of Jehovah. (Genesis 4)
According to research already published on this site, the life of Enosh represents the time period in which humans can "call on the name of Jehovah". Translated in biblical terms, Enosh’s lifetime prefigured the Abrahamic Covenant. In the middle of this covenant we find Jesus’ death and the validation of the New Covenant for spiritual
Enosh was born in the autumn of 3792 BCE and died 905 years later, in the autumn of 2887 BCE. Precisely at the centre point of his life prophetic service of Enoch began, most likely at Pentecost 3339 BCE.
So something of great prophetic significance happened in the middle of Enosh’s life. Could we apply the same principle to Peleg? When was Peleg born?
Arpachshad, the son of Shem, was born in the spring of 2368 BCE. The data provided by Genesis 11:12-17 allows us to calculate the number of years between Arpachshad and Peleg.
* Arpachshad to Shelah 35 years.
* Shelah to Eber 30 years.
* Eber to Peleg 34 years.
That is a total of 99 years. That would mean that Peleg was born in the spring of 2269 BCE.
18 And Peleg lived on for thirty years. Then he became father to Reu. 19 And after his fathering Reu Peleg continued to live two hundred and nine years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. (Genesis 11)
So the lifespan of Peleg amounted to 239 years. If we divide it by 2 and add it to the year of his birth we supposedly get the year this “division of the earth” took.
We add 119½ years to the spring of 2269 BCE and arrive at the autumn of 2150 BCE. Well, the calculation is not perfect because we just assume that Peleg was born in spring, but there is always a margin of error of at least half a year as regards births. So while we don’t want to be dogmatic about this, we see that this division could have occurred between spring and summer of 2150 BCE. Surely, Pentecost is an ideal candidate!
Here is the calculation
From spring/summer 2150 BCE until autumn 2008 C.E., there are 4157½ years. The third part of this period is 1385 years and 10 months. If we go back that amount of time from autumn 2008 we arrive at the date when the 2 thirds of Peleg’s inherited domination were completed.
This takes us to the year 622 C.E., the start of the Arab Muslim era!
“Muhammad gained few followers early on, and was met with hostility from some tribes of
“Although the Arabs tend to be thought of as desert nomads, the origin of Muh.ammad was urban and mercantile. His home town of Mecca became increasingly hostile to his attacks on polytheism and idolatry, until he was invited to the nearby Yathrib as a mediator -- later marked as the beginning of the Islâmic Era in 622“ (www.friesian.com)
“The first Muslim building erected was the Prophet's mosque in
This does make sense:
* The timeline of Peleg legacy begins in the spring/summer 2150 BCE and ends in 622 C.E.
* The timeline of Joktan’s legacy begins in 622 C.E. and ends in (autumn) 2008 C.E., at the start of
the destruction of "
The confusing of languages in
If 2150 BCE is the most probable year for the division in
Shortly after, in the summer of 2149 BCE, Terah, the father of Abraham was conceived. 205 years later, his death would indicate the time for the validation of the Abrahamic Covenant.
Apparently, this time marked a division of mankind in general, but especially a separation of the seed line that God would use to accomplish his purpose from the rest of mankind. At this time the family that would bring forth the Messiah separated itself from the families that would wage war against this Messiah at his comings.
And finally there is another great application. This principle could point us to the year 2008 as the year when the desolation of "
Soon the following prophecy might be fulfilled:
23 And he carried further his proverbial utterance and went on to say: “Woe! Who will survive when God causes it? 24 And there will be ships from the coast of
There is still much to dig for, more chronological treasures may lie hidden here. God has opened another lock according to his master plan for us.
Michael & Emmanuel
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