Dear Readers!
Here is an article that deals with the “Mayan Calendar” and it’s prediction of the financial situation we presently experience.
I as a Christian and as Bible researcher do put my complete trust as regards prophecy in the Bible and the Bible alone. God’s inspired Word has so much to offer and is full of codes, macros and deeper symbolic meanings that it will take mankind a very long time to understand the beauty and wealth of God’s Book.
So the study and research of the Scriptures and my faith in YHWH and his son Jesus are the basis for my work. Nonetheless, we who serve God with our “whole mind” must keep our eyes open in many fields and disciplines of today’s developments: Science, Maths, Physics, History, Biology and Politics, just to name a few.
I’m convinced that Satan the devil is a most intelligent and clever being. He surely was able to decode much of God’s purpose beforehand and manipulate man to envision, write or paint this information in a way not approved by Jehovah.
This means that we can find important biblical truths by studying external sources. Satan is a master of disguise and deception and loves to appear as an “angel of light”. Please also remember that artists only produce fakes in the presence of a genuine masterwork. So we can expect fakes that hold information about the original truth.
This Mayan Calendar thing might be such a case. Read with discernment,
“Mayan Calendar And Predictions Of Our Financial System
I know that lots of people are freaking out right now over the impending collapse of our financial systems. If you have been reading the emails, I did my best to prepare you for this change some time ago. The Mayan Calendar has been predicting this collapse for thousands of years. And from what I can see, it will be a massive collapse. Moreover, it will be a global collapse. If all goes according to plan, money as we know it will have no meaning whatsoever by November of this year. Predictions indicate that an economic breakdown that is tantamount to the dropping of the atomic bomb (which happened the last time we were at this same phase of the Calendar) will happen sometime between now and
The thing to know about this is that it is all in divine order. It is a part of the process of breaking away the illusions that have ruled our lives for centuries so that we can live more authentic lives. It is part of the process of ascension that is happening on the planet right now. In fact, it is one of the LAST stages necessary to release people from this illusion and allow us to move into a grander phase of our lives.
At first, of course, we’ll scramble to save our money. (I personally am not keeping any significant amount of money in the bank right now). Next, we’ll see the government scramble to stop the impending collapse. It is dangerous ground because it will threaten the very fabric of our social systems as the government will not be able to make up the difference. I predict that you’ll see the fall of commercial and retail banks (including credit card companies) because people will not be able to continue paying back loans, particularly those to credit cards who are massively “dark” and who perpetuate the illusion that we “have” money. The credit card companies are (clearly) not integrous and they have lived by business practices that everyone can see are “evil.” Systems like this simply will not be able to sustain themselves in this time of increasing light. Another of the illusions that must fall away is the illusion of “credit”. I predict that credit ratings and the like will mean nothing very, very soon.
And by the way, all that is happening is a “Correction”. For decades, we have been living on illusory money. If you ask people (or businesses) how much they are worth, many of them are actually telling you how much they are THEORETICALLY worth… the amount that shows on a balance sheet filled with investments and money owed , but which they don’t really have access to, and “guestimates” of how much something would sell for on the open market. The whole monetary system has been based on an agreed illusion that started in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and grew exponentially more insane with the elimination of the gold standard in the 1970’s. If you are paying attention, you already know that your money is only worth what the other person agrees to believe that it is worth. On a global standard, the American dollar is already worth practically nothing.
So what, you ask, should you do in the meantime? Well, I certainly don’t have all of the answers but I will suggest that you enjoy your money while you can. Use it. Trade it. These are the last hours that it will mean much of anything. So have fun with it. I certainly wouldn’t recommend getting all weirded out about it. The process is unfolding perfectly according to a divine plan that is skewed in our favor. Trust the process and be as non-resistant as you can.
Oh, and when they start eliminating money and replacing it with electronic devices only (which is what they will likely do next), STAY Away from the whole CHIP thing.!!!! They’re going to want to put one on your passport, on your driver’s license, and your social security card. Eventually, they are going to want to put one in you. Probably on the right hand. It is all predicted and I expect that we won’t be able to avoid it. They will use fear tactics to herd us into the “new improved system.” First, however, they will convince us that it is in our highest and best good (just as they already having us believing that it is appropriate to “CHIP” our animals.) It is an insidious system but I predict that it is on the horizon.
In the meantime, I am including a link that will explain to people what is REALLY going on with money. It will show you clearly how this collapse was absolutely unavoidable. And anyone who knows ANYTHING about how money works must have seen this coming. This little movie is long but well done and really worth the time.
How money works
I am also including an article that was written in 2004 by Carl Johan Calleman talking about what he saw happening when we hit “the fifth night” (where we are now) of the Mayan Calendar. The article is below…
Calleman on the “Fifth Night” of the Mayan Calendar
The following is from an article by Carl Johan Calleman. He wrote the book “The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.”
Although there are clues to the possibility to massive Economic change - it is difficult to know just when this might happen. Some dates predicted by some people have already come and gone. Calleman has a system of alternating days and nights that is based on his interpretation of the Mayan calendar. Also, in his model, the Mayan Calendar ENDS in 2011 rather than 2012.
Here is the selection from an article that Calleman wrote:
The difficult Fifth NIGHT ruled by Tezcatlipoca
At this point I feel it may be in its place to make a jump forward to discuss what is likely to occur after the two pulses of LIGHT in DAY 4 and DAY 5. In the Fifth NIGHT, (November 18 2007 – November 12, 2008, ruled by the energy of Tezcatlipoca, the god of darkness), we will see the last desperate attempts of the West, and power hierarchies based on materialism everywhere, to remain in control and strengthen their power in some new very oppressive way.
If the international monetary system collapses in DAY 5 we may for instance come to see this replaced by a centralized Electronic control over everyone’s economic interactions (Not to mention control of whereabouts and other things). Except that I simply look upon it as a phase in a cosmic plan, this is the time period when many of the scenarios described by conspiracy theoreticians may come true. Regardless of the concrete forms it may take, this is when everything will be made to keep people in the fold.
In the same way as we, during the Fifth NIGHT of the Planetary Underworld (1932-52), saw an alliance between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union of Stalin we may well in the upcoming Fifth NIGHT come to see an alliance between the rulers of China and the United States – all in the interest of maintaining a hierarchically ruled world with a focus on material gains. And in the same way as the mentioned dictatorships of the Planetary Underworld enjoyed the overwhelming support of their subjects, we may well come to see a strong support by the subjects of the “Democracy” of the US and the “popular” regime of China as the Fifth NIGHT begins to rule in the Galactic Underworld.
Especially in the
The Shift from Chaos to the Enlightened World
Following the Fifth NIGHT large groups of people will however in the Sixth DAY break away from hierarchical control and guided by their intuition find a path towards increased wholeness. This is when the hierarchies will really start to break down, probably largely in a chaotic way. Yet, this is exactly the kind of chaos that is needed for the Recreation of an Enlightened world.
Creativity is born out of chaos and if you think more deeply about it you realize that there is no linear way from today’s world (2004) to the Enlightened (2011). Instead the Enlightened world can only emerge out of a series of transformative pulses, including periods of destruction, such as the Fifth NIGHT.
The Paradox to understand is that the very process that seems to break down the world economy and political dominance is also the one that paves the way for Enlightenment. The emergence of a fully Enlightened collective state of consciousness can only thrive in a global consciousness that is balanced. This is because the imbalance that has been dominating humanity for some 5000 years has had its direct cause the dualist frame of consciousness that was ruling throughout this time.
I feel however that the kind of Enlightenment humanity will approach as the cosmic plan is completed in 2011 will NOT be like anything that has existed previously. Although there are many descriptions of enlightened beings and ascended masters from human history I personally think that their states of consciousness in various ways have been limited by the creation fields that were ruling at the particular time they were (or are) living.
Only in 2011 will all veils separating human beings from the Divine be removed and the supramental consciousness of the Universal Underworld will be unexplored territory. In a sense we are talking about the emergence of an entirely new species of human beings. For the first time Enlightenment will take place in a balanced global creation field and this certainly will influence the depth and scope of the cosmic consciousness that may be attained.”
Hello FLH,
What an interesting article. I assume you are aware of the Lost Book of Nostradamus and the assertions that it supports the 2012 date? Are you ready for PROOF that this is a purposeful lie and that the actual date is 2008, as you have already pointed out?
Your merging of money with the Mayan calendar date is both intriguing and spot on. There's much more to this unfolding story, though. Be a little patient to understand the truth and then hold their feet to the fire!
Money Karma comes home to roost !!!
This is the long awaited opportunity to finally "kill the beast" and kick all the bums out, forever. Read what I have been saying for insights into another way to manage this civilization, without money and without evil cabals running this world. The keys to a "New Earth" are wisdom and cooperation, not the fears and follies of the past.
It will soon become painfully obvious, to even the most clueless, that it will be far easier to step away from the deceptions of the past (money, religion, and politics) and finally fix our civilization so it works for everyone, not just for a self-chosen and abominably greedy few. Why should humanity struggle and suffer any longer to repay massive debts and endure great debacles created by amazingly greedy and deceptive monetary and political leaders? Are you familiar with the ancient concept of a Jubilee? It's time has come, and the power of the rich and arrogant is about to be blown away on the winds of long-overdue and irresistible change.
Here is Wisdom...
Thanks for your comments! I'm aware of Nostradamus' book! I think we do see a lot of views, "prophecies", "visions" etc. coming together, closing the cirlce of insight!
This is about to happen now. It is not up to me to "prove" something, I don't claim to be inspired, a prophet or the messiah.
I believe that God will prove his purpose to be just and loving and I pray that I can have my little share in communicating this purpose and this love.
Thanks for the links you provided, I will study them. The Jubilee is a very important concept, the trick is to count them correctly. Where do you start? Did the Jubilee cycle end when they were in exile, did the foundation of the church begin a new cycle etc.?
I will let you know more as things unfold.
There is no need to count them. The impending Jubilee represents long suppressed justice. It's time is long overdue and far too many have been ignored over the ages. Religion has utterly failed to establish truth or justice, so it's time ends shortly, along with money and politics.
This Jubilee will be the final because it will eliminate the need for the periodic attempts of the past to temporarily balance the scales of Truth and Justice.
Peace and Wisdom...
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