Article in association with Emmanuel
It is known that Arpachshad was born 350 years before Abraham. This finding is of interest because the most important character of Genesis is Abraham. What the Bible says about Arpachshad, who was the son of Shem through whom the messianic line continued after the Flood, can be an important key to the study of the prophetic timeline…
11 And after his fathering Ar•pach´shad Shem continued to live five hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
12 And Ar•pach´shad lived thirty-five years. Then he became father to She´lah. 13 And after his fathering She´lah Arpachshad continued to live four hundred and three years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters (Genesis 11:12, 13.)
Arpachshad became father to Shelah when he was 35 years old and then continued to live 403 years. Who would Shelah who was born in 2333 BCE have represented?
Picking up Emmanuel’s idea/concept that the lives of those ancient patriarchs represented time epochs (an idea I find interesting and absolutely possible but haven’t quite seen enough proof for yet), we multiply these numbers by 10. So there are 350 years from the birth of Arpachshad until someone represented by Shelah is born, followed by 4030 years until the end. Applying this calculation we see that Abraham was born 350 years after Arpachshad, in 2018 BCE and that 4030 years more take us to 2013 CE.
2013 CE? Should it not be 2012CE? Here is the likely explanation:
If Abraham was born on Nisan1 2018 BC, then he was begotten around Tammuz 2019 BC. Some years into the pregnancy of his mother would mark the starting point of Abraham’s existence. If we count from there 4030 years we reach Tammuz/Ab 2012, or rather early summer of 2012.
Since we believe that the remnant of the “Israel of God”, the saints are taken into heaven at Pentecost 2012 after the Great Tribulation, Tammuz/Ab could mean the beginning of their heavenly rulership.
The concept of the 403 years is mentioned twice in this brief account, so it seems this could be an important chronological key…
14 And Shelah lived thirty years. Then he became father to Eber. 15 And after his fathering Eber Shelah continued to live four hundred and three years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. (Genesis 11:14, 15.)
We have not yet found the symbolic meaning of this generation, but the 403 might just be there to confirm the importance of the concept (although I doubt that it is just that. All things we do not understand on this dimension of the Scriptures will have significance in another dimension…)
To put it into a clear parallel we would say that from the 1st of Tammuz 2369 BC, the "foundation of the world" after the Flood, until the 1st of Tammuz 2012 CE, the new "foundation of the world" after the end of this system of things, there are 4380 years, or ten times the lifespan of Arpachshad.
Michael & Emmanuel
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