Dear Readers:
Here is a thought Emmanuel and I have been working on recently. We were discussing if the agricultural symbolism of the
We already understood that the genealogy of the line leading to the Messiah is most important in reconstructing the biblical chronology. For example, we were able to calculate the season of Adam’s creation autumn of 4027 BCE, exactly 3000 years before the first
Note: Actually, it seems that the temple represented the head, the most important part of the worship system. The fact that Shishak, who was a representation of Satan, took the gold of the sanctuary 33.5 years after the founding of the temple, confirms the idea that the Devil desecrated the mind of Adam at the same age Jesus kept his purity and died for us.
Now, let's see if the timing of the “fathering” is an important key.
The case of Enoch made me think. As we have seen, Enoch was "transferred" around 2012,5 years before the founding of the temple, which led us to the time of Pentecost 3039 BCE. This date belongs to the year that begins in the fall of 3040 BCE, about 9 months before Pentecost. If Enoch died exactly 365 years after his birth, then he was conceived in the autumn of 3405 BCE.
This conclusion alone led us to believe that the same pattern is maintained in all the characters that form the Messianic line from Seth to Noah. That means, that all of them would have been generated/fathered/begotten around the same time of year.
As regards the men who make up the line of the promised ‘seed’, it seems that the ‘sowing’ occurred in early autumn and the ‘harvest’ occurred in late spring or early summer. This idea can even work exactly between Tishri1 and Pentecost due to the intercalary month of “Veadar”, the second Adar, inserted to harmonize the lunar with the solar calendar. This would give us 272 days of pregnancy – perfect for a human gestation period!
What do we want to prove with this? That it is possible that a person born on the day of Pentecost has been conceived after Tishri1.
Having established this, let's look at how we can reconstruct the chronology before the flood..
What happened 130 years after the creation of Adam? Was Seth born or conceived then?
3 And Adam lived on for a hundred and thirty years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called his name Seth. 4 And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. 5 So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to nine hundred and thirty years and he died. (Genesis 5:3-5).
Using a good Bible translation we get the following:
* After130 years Adam "became father" of Seth.
* There is a period of 800 years "after his fathering Seth".
These verbs translated from Hebrew differ from the one used in the previous passage:
25 And Adam proceeded to have intercourse again with his wife and so she gave birth to a son and called his name Seth, because, as she said: “God has appointed another seed in place of Abel, because Cain killed him. (Genesis 4:25).
These are two different expressions. So what happened when Adam was 130 full years old is the conception, not birth, of Seth by Eve.
Consider the following: Adam began his existence in autumn of 4027 BCE. He began his special service in the autumn of 3997 BCE, when he was 30 years old. We can deduce this from God’s own laws about becoming an ‘adult’ and the parallel to Jesus, the "last Adam". Finally, 100 years after his sin in the autumn of 3997 BCE, Adam ‘begets’ Seth. 800 years later, Adam dies.
As you can see, in fact, Adam lived 900 years after his sin in 3997 BCE, i.e. 2,5 "times of years" (2.5 x 360 years), so I believe that the time for ‘begetting’ Seth was the autumn of 3897 BCE.

The month of "sowing"
The second month of autumn is the month of Bul or Heshvan, which corresponds with October/November. And this is the month of sowing, the ideal time for ‘planting a seed’ or begetting someone in the seed line leading to the Saviour. Not surprisingly, many events have happened in the month of Bul/Heshvan, all as if they were the beginning of a sequence of events. For example:
* The
* Jeroboam incites the apostasy of the northern ten tribes.
* The public ministry of Jesus begins, 40 days after his baptism.
* The Deluge began.
* Noah leaves the
Seth, finally, would have been conceived in the autumn of 3897 BCE, and was born in late spring or early summer of 3896 BCE.
If this key is correct, then all dates are calculated from the autumn of 4027 BCE, when using the genealogical table of Genesis 5. They give us the time of the conception of these characters, not their birth.
The foundation of the world
The phrase "foundation of the world" is also associated with "begetting" or human conception. It is literally translated as “a throwing down of seeds”. This could be an indication that the "foundation of the world" happened with the ‘begetting’ of one of the sons of Adam. The firstborn was Cain, and he probably was conceived shortly after the transgression of Adam, in the year 3993 BCE. His birth had occurred in the spring of 3992 BCE and the first year of his life would count from Tishri1 to 3992 BCE Elul.
However, it appears that the "foundation of the world" is in some way associated with Abel. It is possible that Cain represented the “offspring of the serpent” and Abel the" Promised Seed” [later, Abel would be replaced by Seth].
Applying the pattern of Jesus again, we feel it is very likely that the "foundation of the world" officially started 7 full years after the autumn of 3997 BCE, when Adam began his service assignment in the Garden. The parallels that exist with respect to 7 years in the work of the Messiah, which began with his baptism in the autumn of 29 CE, and ended with the Holy Spirit ‘begetting’ the first gentile in autumn 36 CE, allow us to establish that the work of Adam before “foundation of the world” should take 7 years.
Thus, we conclude that Abel was conceived in the autumn of 3990 BCE and was probably born around the beginning of the summer of 3989 BCE
6000 years since "the founding of the world" would be completed in autumn 2011, when the 3,5 years of darkness that started 2008Tishri1 are completed. Around 9 months later, in Tammuz 2012, the
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