Dear Brothers!
Right on schedule, the politician puppets are promising to save us from the crisis caused by the banker puppets by creating "a new world financial order."
Nicholas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown are calling for a "new international financial architecture for the global age" which will establish Rothschild global governance under the guise of "reforming and regulating" markets.
Well, I was studying and tried to see if I could find this pattern in the Scriptures and here is a surprising analogy that I found. It is way off our current interpretation of that account but maybe it applies in an untouched thread…
The manipulation of calamities to re-make society can be traced back to Biblical times. Joseph is best known for predicting seven years of abundance (inflation) followed by seven years of famine (credit- contraction or deflation.)
He is less well known for using this "business cycle" to establish a form of state control. All the cultivated land in
In Genesis 47, Joseph, second in command to Pharaoh, warned of a coming famine, and prepared stock-piles of grain to aid the people through the crisis. When the famine hit the land, the people came to Joseph to buy food stock. A simple transaction was made; the citizens used the national currency to purchase grain.
In verses 14 and 15 however we find an unusual development. After the grain was purchased, Joseph intentionally held the money back, keeping it from being re-circulated into the local economy. The result is predictably catastrophic for the people: Economic crisis.
According to the King James Version, "the money failed" (vs.15), and in the New World Translation it says that the " money has run out".
Needing to eat, what did the citizens do? They brought Joseph their livestock in exchange for grain (vs.16-17). As an agrarian society, livestock represented the industrial basis of the people. Hence, placing this power in the hands of the government, the people's commercial activity was effectively abolished.
They couldn’t just eat the animals instead of trading them for grain because obviously there was no way to keep the meat fresh. Grain would have been the most valuable and stable food source during a drought. Now the people had neither money nor livestock; and a year later they were out of food.
Returning to Joseph, who obviously was in charge of the storehouses, the people begged their leader to take their land and themselves in trade for food (vs.18-19). Property was therefore consolidated under the state, and the citizens literally became slaves in their own country (vs.20-21).
This is a masterful population control strategy. Once the wealth of the nation had been consolidated under Pharaoh's banner via Joseph's actions - monetary wealth, the industrial base, land and productivity, and the people as economic assets - then Joseph instituted a new farming and taxation system (vs.20-24). How did the people respond? They gladly relinquished control of their wealth, property, and themselves (gave up their freedom) for the promise of state-dictated security.
Keep in mind; all of this started through a debasing of the currency system. The manipulation of money is, arguably, the most potent method to rearrange society.
Consider what the father of modern economics, John Maynard Keynes, had to say in 1919.
"There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society han to debauch the currency." - John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace.
Roughly speaking, it's the idea that governments can stimulate the economy through interest rate management and other state-instituted incentive programs. Although the above quote was aimed primarily at inflationary actions, the same conclusion could be made regarding deflationary leveraging.
Anyway, I never thought about it why Joseph acted so harshly with the Egyptians. Mind you, the "king of the south" is the greater modern "
Also think about this: Finally "Joseph" was called by a name or title that in truth only belongs to Jesus Christ!!!! He was called "saviour of the earth", "Zaph´e·nath-pa·ne´ah". The NWT explains that the Hebrews understood it as "revealer of hidden things", but that does not matter, since Pharaoh and the Egyptians gave him that name/title and they (and thus he himself) understood it as "saviour of the world".
Is that a pattern, a story of the coming "anti Christ" or "son of perdition?"
Does the Great Tribulation continue for 3.5 years after the faithful are raptured and there are 7 more years to come?
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