As the World continues to celebrate the election of Barak Obama as the new President of the United States the same cannot be said within the walls of Kremlin today where President Medvedev has ordered the immediate stationing of nuclear missiles in Europe to counter an expected first strike by American Forces led by US Coup Forces intent upon keeping power despite their being thrown out of power.
Russian Intelligence Analysts are also reporting that those American Military Forces loyal to President Elect Obama are continuing their ‘furious’ assault upon the international drug empire used to finance the NeoCon backed Bush-CIA intent to topple the established government of the United States and plunging our world into Total War.
Russian Military Analysts further reported that information gained by Venezuela Military Intelligence Officers in their raid on Stanford International Bank, and passed onto Obama forces in the US, led to the immediate resignation of Colombia’s CIA-trained Military Chief, General Mario Montoya, implicated in this vast international drug empire, and the killing of innocent civilians, and to the shootdown yesterday of Mexico’s Interior Minister Juan Camilo MouriƱo’s jet aircraft, and Bolivia’s President Evo Morales ordering all US Drug Officials out of his nation.
The real trouble is that not only the NeoCons in the
President Medvedev ordered missiles to be stationed up against NATO’s borders yesterday to counter American plans to build a missile defence shield.
Speaking within hours of Barack Obama’s election, Mr Medvedev announced that
He did not say whether the short-range missiles would carry nuclear warheads.
Taking advantage of the world’s attention on the
In his first state-of-the-nation address, Mr Medvedev said the missiles would be deployed “to neutralise if necessary the antiballistic missile system in
Nato’s eastern members greeted the Russian move with dismay.
A Czech Foreign Ministry spokesman described the Kremlin’s move as unfortunate.
But government ministers and parliamentary deputies assembled in the Kremlin applauded Mr Medvedev.
The President failed to congratulate Mr Obama or even to mention him by name during the 85-minute address televised live across
In a criticism directed at the
“The August crisis only accelerated the arrival of the crucial moment of truth. We proved, including to those who had been sponsoring the current regime in
“What we’ve had to deal with in the last few years – the construction of a global missile defence system, the encirclement of
The impression is we are being tested to the limit.” The outgoing President Bush insists that the missile shield is aimed at rogue states such as
Mr Medvedev said that
Mr Medvedev blamed the
I want to add that I consider these words quite powerful and threatening. While Medvedev is known for playing the strong man, Bible prophecy suggests that he will be willing to actually use his power to make his point.
May God bless his children,

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