Sunday, 28 December 2008
Israeli Airstrike Began as Deduced On This Site
Well, the massive strikes of Israel against Gaza began on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 27 which was Kislev30 on the Jewish calendar.
So it seems we got the timing for this event spot on. We have to wait and see now how this conflict escalets.
These attacks might be a chronological marker for the next big event we are to expect: a major terrorist attack.
Let's keep our eyes open and ask the Lord for guidance and wisdom.
May God bless his children,
Sunday, 21 December 2008
War in Gaza is about to begin at Christmas time!

The truce Officially ended in Gaza at 6 am local time, 19 Dec 08. The missile fire has continued. Israel has now approved a GAZA Operation. This Wednesdays Security Cabinet meeting is expected to approve the timing, final details and a list of targets for aerial bombardment. The US, Russia and Egypt have already been informed. PM Olmert is to visit Turkey on Monday. Turkey may become involved when this war begins to spread, as Syrian or Iranian missiles may be directed at US Bases in Turkey. Turkish air space may also be used. Foreign Minister Livni will meet with European and UN Security Council Representatives. The attack is expected to begin with an aerial bombardment of militant bases, storage and training facilities, infrastructure, communications and command systems; including the attempted assassinations of leadership personalities. The militants are expected to respond with large barrages of missiles, which may reach Ashdod and Be'er Sheva. The possibility of suicide attacks within Israel is also high. As this progresses, it will acquire a life of it's own, resulting in the long expected ground invasion. For a general overview please re read THE IMMINENT MIDDLE EAST WAR page. It is highly likely to spread to Hezbullah and Iran. I have been warning of this. This spreading and escalation will appear to be natural and accidental, it is not; it has been planned, it is deliberate; and intended to make a complete change in the Middle East. This entry, was made today, December 21. The decision on a Gaza operation was made last Thursday. PM Olmert to visit Turkey tomorrow, with Livni and others presenting their case to the Europeans. Russia and Egypt have already been informed. Action will begin with an aerial bombardment and then gain a life of it's own as the enemy responds. This Wednesday's Security Cabinet meeting is expected to approve target lists and decide on timing.,7340,L-3641853,00.html THE operations goal will be to overthrow and destroy Hamas and other militants. We can expect the bombardment to begin any time after Wednesday, although the timing will be subject to political and military considerations. On Saturday the US Chief of the General Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen announced that the Pentagon will surge up to 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan by early summer; subject to approval be President Obama. I have warned that this was coming. B Obama is saying that the war started in Afghanistan and will FINISH there. He intends to approve an Afghan offensive for next summer to destroy al Qaeda and end the war by fall. This presupposes that Hamas, Hezbullah and Iran have already been dealt with. This has all been carefully planned out and prepared for. It is all being allowed by Almighty God to fulfill His will and the Holy Scripture. |
After 18 months of a Roller Coaster ride, covering the ups and downs of the ongoing events we are finally arriving at the core events that I have been warning of. May God bless his children, Mike |
Monday, 8 December 2008
Kislev8, Pentecost, the calendar change and the GT

Dear brothers in the hope!
It's been a while since my last post here.
I had to reconsider my findings, my position and our chronology. It is still not 100% fixed, we just see that things are brewing up and that the chronological model of the sanctuary still seems to be valid. But I feel that at least one vital aspect or understanding is missing and we have still to fine tune our understanding.
Nontheless I decided to inform all my readers of the following possibility.
We have discussed here and on many times the possibility that the calendar change that occured in Nisan 1543 BCE where the start of the year was changed from Tishri (autumn) to Nisan (spring) is undone in Tishri 2008, 6000 years after Adam sinned.
Thus, if the divine counting of years was returned to the original manner, there is a chance that all the 3 major festivals of the Lord are also shifted by 6 months.
This would mean that the festival of Pentecost could be celebrated on Kislev6 instead of Sivan6.
According to the idealized 360 Biblical Lunar Calendar with 12 months to 30 days each, this date of Kislev6 will beginn today at sundown, December8 and would last until December9 sundown.
We know too that there is to be a fulfillment of Acts2 and Joel2 in the last days of this whole system, a fulfillment in the time of the end. Therefore on this day we might be experiencing a rushing stiff breeze, a 'violent blowing' (literal translation), maybe an explosion. This could be the first "fire from heaven" and a rising mushroom cloud from the sea of 1Kings18.
The fulfillment could be a terrorist attack on Manhattan (NYC), with a more or less simultaneous attack on the UK. These things would symbolize or announce the coming of Jesus on the clouds. If this event follows the pattern of the original Christian Pentecost scenario, they would occur between 8:40 and 9:40 am EST on December9.
Again and obviously, I might be wrong on that. It is not an inspired understanding but a deduction based on the chronological study of the Scriptures.
May God bless the faithful and save his children,
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
What really is the “mark of the beast”?

In biblical terms political empires are pictured as “beasts”. We can find such identifications in Isaiah30:6, Daniel7:12, 17 or Revelation13.
Now history shows us that every empire has an own currency and so every beast has coinage with its image upon it so really the image of the beast is the financial system it creates. Indeed the purpose of military conquest has in the past been to gain an unfair financial advantage, over your opponent, to make his a slave of your financial system, to make him worship your image.
Jesus asked the temple tax collectors: Whose image and inscription is this? But he might as well have said: Whose image and engraving (mark) is this. He is giving us a vital clue to the meaning of Revelation13.
Now the financial system has actually received a death stroke from either the huge mountain of securitized mortgage derivatives or actually from Hank Paulson when he dropped Lehman brothers which destroyed interbank lending and caused the credit crunch.
But just as the UK/US 7th world power has been militarily conquered by the UN 8th world power through the UNICC, which has the power to arrest the Commander in Chief of the US, so the image of the 7th power, the Dollar and the Pound, in fact the whole dollar based banking system must be replaced with a UN image, a financial system bearing the image of the UN, a UN financial system. This will be a new financial world order since every beast gets a financial system, its image.
So we know that the dollar and the pound will collapse and then the UN will be used to make a new world currency or currencies. The 2 horned beast of the UK/US will breathe political life into this new financial order.
Today people worship money not political entities like the UN.
The fascinating thing here is that the sword stroke/death stroke is a deliberate act. So the credit crunch was deliberately triggered. The present financial system has deliberately been given a death stroke 7 years after the controlled demolition of the World Trade Centres!
May God bless his children,
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Good News For All The Planet
Is this the date of the release of the "great crowd" from the "great tribulation"?
This release will occur 11 biblical years (3960 days) after
This event will mark the end of the 1335 days for the Great Crowd!
The "disgusting thing causing desolation" was placed in the United Nations on
We are getting close to the end of its first 1290 days of existence.
The "great crowd" of Revelation 7:9 will very likely be liberated from the "great tribulation" on 2012Ethanim22, on the last day of the Festival of Tabernacles or ‘Booths’, 11 years after the biblical trial against the "house of God" began on 2001Ethanim22 (see link).
It is no wonder that the "great crowd" of the vision has palm branches in their hands. After all, this is a representation of the festivities during the last day of the Feast of Booths on 22Ethanim. This day is a festival Sabbath, a day of rest and a lot of joy, according to the law (Leviticus
How to deduce the date
The starting point is the conception of the Alliance of Civilizations on 2004Ethanim7 (Sept. 21) and its establishment in the United Nations 9 biblical months later, on 2005Tammuz7 (2005 July 14). We discovered that this
There action will aim to achieve peace between the ‘seed of Isaac’ (Jews and Christians) and the ‘seed of Ishmael’ (Muslims), all the sons of Abraham. But actually it will be an ‘abomination’ intended to replace the Abrahamic Covenant, removing the true meaning of the promises of Jehovah, the God of the Bible.
This idol of apostasy was praised on
Just a few days ago we realized that since the birth of the Alliance of Civilizations, we would have to count "1290 days", that is 43 lunar months. These 1290 biblical days will be completed on 2008Shebat7. If we can properly determine the solar equivalent of this day we will know the start date of the "1335 days" that will be left until the release of the faithful.
If the biblical 2008 began in March this year Shebat7 will be
Are you ready to face the outlawing of true Christianity? It seems to start in
If we start to count the 1335 days of Daniel 12 on 2008Shebat7 however, the count of 44.5 biblical months will take us 2012Tishri/Ethanim22, the festival Sabbath of the festival of the ‘final ingathering’!!
Today, the authors of this site discovered that this will be exactly 11 biblical years (or ‘times’) after 2001Ethanim/Tishri22, when the organisation of true Christians disassociated itself from the UN-DPI. The accuracy of this period is surprising:
There are 1335 days between 2001Tishri22 and 2005Tammuz7.
There are 1290 days between 2005Tammuz7 and 2008Shebat7.
There are 1335 days between 2008Shebat7 and 2012Tishri22.
We wondered why there was a period of 1335 days before the placement of the "disgusting thing". The answer, quite simply, was that this amount is the number of missing biblical days to complete 11 years.
By adding 1,335 1,290 and 1,335 days, we get 3960 days (11 "times" of 360 days).
Before you consider that this is just a coincidence, let me show you the evidence that they actually release for the faithful happens on 2012Ethanim/Tishri22.
The end of the 11 "times"
The 3960 years (11 "times") began on BCE1949Ethanim22, when the Lord began to intervene in the life of Abraham, giving him a mandate to get out of
This explains why in the representation of the tabernacle in the wilderness there were "eleven tent clothes" (Exodus 26:7, 8.) Each "tent cloth" represented a "time".
7 “And you must make cloths of goat’s hair for the tent upon the tabernacle. You will make eleven tent cloths. 8 The length of each tent cloth is thirty cubits, and the width of each tent cloth is four cubits. There is one measure for the eleven tent cloths. (Exodus26)
This means that at the end of the 11 biblical years since 2001 there will have passed 11 full biblical ‘times’ of 360 years each since God began to speak to Abraham. The trial of those who purport to represent the Abrahamic Covenant will be implemented first through the Alliance of Civilizations.
These 3960 years can also be divided into 3 parts. The firstborn son was to receive double the inheritance of the second born. This means that Isaac inherited a double portion of time as regards the land while Ishmael inherited one part. The 2640 years of Isaac are counted from the autumn of 1949 BCE to the autumn of 692 BCE when the construction of the Dome of the Rock in
At the end of the 42-month ban which starts on 2008Shebat7, the time will come for God to intervene on behalf of his people and to release them from their afflictions and persecutions. In biblical terms, this period will end on 2012Ab7 (July 26). Then, about 3 days later on Ab10, - on the very same day that Jehovah’s temple was destroyed twice - the time for the final destruction of the shrines of all false religions will come.
Are not you glad you know all these things? The coming days will be days of spiritual wealth for true Christians. But it will also be a period of shaking for those who are not prepared spiritually. The choice is yours!
Friday, 14 November 2008
At an hour you do not think to be it the son of man is coming!
44 You too prove yourselves ready for at an hour that you (plural) do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming (Matthew 24).
The son of man comes upon the mushroom cloud of 1Kings18 in our understanding. So that cloud too will come at an hour that we do not think to be it. If only we had seen that before! If you think clearly about what this scripture means, you discover that the true Christians, those who will prove themselves ready for the return of the son of man, will indeed think that he is coming at a certain hour, but that hour will be wrong!
The scripture means that true Christians will attempt to calculate the 'hour' of the return of the Christ. For if you make no effort to calculate the hour of his coming then he cannot come at an hour that you do not think to be it since you are not thinking about any hours.
In verse 42 of the same chapter the Christians who are chosen or abandoned at a coming of the Lord, do not know what day the their Lord is coming (to appoint a new church and reject an old one). In verse 50, the Master comes to the evil slave on a day that he did not expect and in an hour that he did not know .
But in verse 44 the son of man comes at an hour that his followers do not think to be it. So by comparison we see that his ready followers do know the day of his return. But the hour that they think to be it, is incorrect. Now 'hour' means day here and 'day' means month. Nobody cares what literal hour of the day Jesus turns up at after we have been waiting for him for nigh on 2,000 years!
P.S.: Look what symbol will be centre piece at the G20 global financial summit...
Thursday, 13 November 2008
The Agenda for the Global Financial Summit

Dear Readers!
We have warned about November15 for months now and we expect the empowering of an entity controlling the global financial system since the pubic announcement that there will be a financial summit in
Here is what I found today…
Preparations for the economic summit in
The IMF Program reads as follows:
"1) require the credit rating agencies to be registered and monitored and submit to rules of governance;
2) halt the principle of a convergence of accounting standards and re-examine the application of the fair market value rule in the financial field, so as to improve its coherence with the rules of prudence and conservatism;
3) to resolve that no market segment, territory, or financial institution shall escape from a proportionate and adequate regulation, or at the least, surveillance;
4) set up a code of conduct to avoid excessive risk-taking in the financial industry, including in the area of compensation. Supervisors will have to follow this code in evaluating the risk profiles of financial institutions;
5) to entrust to the IMF the primary responsibility, along with the FSF (Financial Stability Forum -
The IMF must be equipped with the essential resources and suitable instruments to support countries in difficulty, and to exert its role of macroeconomic surveillance to the fullest."
The Great Tribulation that started September29/30 is about to reach the next level.
May God keep his children!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
The 2300 evening/mornings and the Great Tribulation
An important connection linking the 1260 days of tribulation with the 2,300 evenings/mornings
Before the end of this autumn, the human society will change forever.
We communicate to our readers the most likely dates for the beginning of this tribulation:
Dec. 12/13, 2008 (Kislev 16)
We have managed to successfully reconstruct the chronology of human history according to the scriptures and we have discovered that history is divided into two enormous periods totalling 6037.5 years. This period is represented by the measurements of the divine sanctuary as given in the Bible. This sanctuary had two compartments called the ‘Holy’ and the ‘Most Holy’. The former is twice as long as the latter. The chronological model of the sanctuary has as its starting point the start of the life of Adam, the perfect first man in the autumn of 4027 BCE (BC) and it will be completed in spring 2012.
This model has proven very valuable to understand where we are in the flow of time. The period represented by the Holy began in the autumn of 4027 BCE and was completed in the fall of 2 BCE with the birth of Jesus, the second perfect man. 2012.5 years will have to elapse until the spring of 2012 when the greater divine shrine will be completed.
The reconstruction of the correct chronology allowed us to confirm these dates and we were also able to deduce the following:
There are 3000 years from the creation of Adam until the first temple of Jehovah was completed in the autumn of 1027 BCE.
There are 2000 years from when Jesus was found in the temple after the Passover aged 12 in the spring of the year 12 CE, until the spring of 2012.
There are 6000 years from the declaration of a promise about a ‘seed’ in the spring of 3993 BCE, when Adam was 33.5 years old, until the spring of 2008.
There are 1975 years, from the spring of 3993 BCE to the birth of Abraham, in the spring of 2018 BCE.
There are 1975 years from the inauguration of the Abrahamic Covenant, in the spring of 1943 BCE, until the inauguration of the New Covenant with Jesus Christ as Mediator in the spring of the year 33 CE. The New Covenant came into force on the day of Pentecost the year 33 CE.
There are 1975 years from the inauguration of the New Covenant, in the spring of the year 33 until the spring of 2008.
There are 90 years (a quarter of a ‘time’) from the beginning of the heavenly resurrection during the presence of Jesus Christ, in spring 1918 to the spring of 2008. It is likely that the exact date for this incident was the day of Pentecost.
There are 2520 years (‘7 times’) from the expulsion of Adam from the Paradise of Eden, in the spring of 3993 BCE, until the entry of Israel into the Promised Land, when the land covenant came into force in the spring of 1473 BCE.
There are 2520 years (‘7 times’) from the formal declaration of God's spirit in the autumn of 2492 BCE, to the baptism of Jesus Christ with the holy spirit in the autumn of the year 29 CE.
There are 2012.5 years from the inauguration of the Abrahamic Covenant, in the spring of 1943 BCE to the complete destruction of the Jewish system of worship in
There are 2012.5 years of separation from the transfer of Enoch, in the spring of 3039 BCE, until the first
It is very likely that the second temple was completed in the spring of 514 BCE, precisely in the midpoint between the autumn of 1027 BCE when the first temple was completed and the autumn of 2 BCE, when Jesus Christ was born.
These and other deductions have enabled us to conclude that the model is correct and the building of the greater shrine will be completed in the spring of 2012. And it seems that the key day for the conclusion of this model will be 2012Sivan6, the day of Pentecost, which in 2012 coincides with May26/27.
This day will be 6000 years after the birth of Abel, who was conceived at the beginning of the autumn of 3990 BCE, this event marking the ‘foundation of the world’.
This would mean that the last three and half years prophesied in the Bible, in which the people of God on Earth would be persecuted, would begin sometime in the autumn of 2008. Until now we were not able to nail the date of the start of this tribulation exactly. This was because the Bible has ‘time lock’ and we did not have enough data to calculate correctly. Now, thanks to divine providence and the grace of the Lord, we were able to get closer with more precision. The start of this period is imminent.
A ban of 1,260 days or 42 months
The Bible gives us important keys and hints:
And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. 2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.” (Revelation 11:1-3.)
This "temple" and "those who worship in it” are those who claim to be Christians. These must be brought to a final test for 1260 days or 42 months in which only the faithful will be loyal. The political establishment will bring forth the "disgusting thing causing desolation" soon, a ban on or persecution of true Christians.
This was foretold by the prophecy of Daniel about the "four great beasts." It has been seen that in the present fulfilment these entities represent the Quartet for peace in the
24 And as for the ten horns, out of that kingdom there are ten kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and three kings he will humiliate. 25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time. (Daniel7)
The prophecy of the "king of the north" and the "king of the south" also mentions a similar period and tells us that the "power of the holy people" is indeed 'shattered'.
5 And I saw, I Daniel, and, look! there were two others standing, one on the bank here of the stream and the other on the bank there of the stream. 6 Then one said to the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: “How long will it be to the end of the wonderful things?” 7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.” (Daniel 12:5-7.)
And the book of Revelation mentions the same period in which the ‘holy ones’ will be 'defeated'. This will begin shortly after the New International Financial Order is born. This is the last stage in the quest of establishing the rule of the "wild beast."
4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” 5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. (Revelation13)
The 1290 days!
Since 2008 was a year marked by biblical chronology, it was to be expected that Ethanim/Tishri1 would mark the beginning of the predicted period of 1335 days in Daniel 12:12. This period would conclude with a day of happiness or blessedness for God's people. We discovered that actually from 2008September29/30 until 2012May26/27 there are exactly 1335 days..
12 “Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days! (Daniel
According to the evidence, the period of 1290 days also predicted in Daniel 12:11 will begin on 2008November14/15 and expire also on 2012May26/27. As it seems, on Nov15, the groundwork for the ‘image of the beast’, even the "disgusting thing causing desolation", will be laid. The political system lead by the "false prophet" will cause all to accept this new control mechanism. They will attempt to "change times and laws" throughout the world. It is strangely coincidental that from this day there are only 1500 days left until 2012December22, a day promoted by the ‘New Age’ movement of the ‘false prophet’. Incidentally, there are exactly 4120 days from the fall of the towers of the WTC until
In fact it seems that the 1290 must start 45 after the 1335 days if they are to end on the same date. The first day of the 1290 remaining days is the 2008November14/15. The biblical day will start on November14 at sunset, probably as seen in the
11 “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. (Daniel 12:11.)
It appears that day will see a decision to 'remove the constant feature’ (which probably is true Christian worship), and the 'erecting' of the "image of the beast". This will stand on a holy place, a place that belongs to sacred things only. We know that many Christians will compromise and bow to the "beast", but true Christians will not.
When will the 1260 days start?
If the 1260 days of tribulation for Christianity are solar days, then the "disgusting thing causing desolation" will stand in the "holy place" on
It is interesting that if we add 1260 solar days to 2008December2/3 we reach 2012May16/17, which is Iyyar26, the date on which Jesus ascended to heaven in the year 33 CE. It would be nice if the Messiah returns on the very day he left.
9 And after he had said these things, while they were looking on, he was lifted up and a cloud caught him up from their vision. 10 And as they were gazing into the sky while he was on his way, also, look! two men in white garments stood alongside them, 11 and they said: “Men of Gal´i·lee, why do YOU stand looking into the sky? This Jesus who was received up from YOU into the sky will come thus in the same manner as YOU have beheld him going into the sky.” (Acts1)
Therefore, Kislev6 seems to fulfil all requirements for being the day that we expect. And the truth is that there are even more temporal evidences:
Many expected that the Pentecost 2008, Sivan6, would make it obvious that the "time of the end" had begun, but they did not take into account the pending realignment of the sacred calendar that was changed at the Exodus of Israel, in 1513 BCE to start in spring instead of autumn. It seems reasonable to believe that from 2008Ethanim/Tishri1 the sacred calendar again begins in fall. And since the beginning of the year is no longer Abib/Nisan, it is wise to conclude that what was going to happen on 2008Sivan6 apparently will happen on 2008Kislev6, six lunar months later.
Also, December2/3 is 270 days after 2008Nisan1, the period of a pregnancy.
But the most powerful ‘coincidence’ that we have discovered with respect to Kislev6 is the date at which we arrive when we count 2300 days forward from this date. 2300 days are 6 years of 360 days, 4 months and 20 days. Taking the first day to be 2008December2/3, we see that the last of those 2300 days would be 2015March20/21.
What will happen at the end of the 2300 days?
If we check the lunar calendar for 2015 we will see that the month of Nisan begins with the new moon on March20, at the time of the spring equinox. So Nisan1 matches on March20/21, the last day of the 2300 days. The most impressive of this is not the (powerful) fact that the new moon coincides with the equinox but that a total solar eclipse will occur on that date, the first after the one in 2012! The path of this total eclipse will end exactly over the North Pole. Is this a heavenly sign that this is the end of 2300 days predicted in the prophecy of Daniel?
To answer this question, we have to confirm whether the ‘three and a half times’ of Daniel 7 and 12 and Revelation 13 starts simultaneously with the 2300 day. The language use in these prophecies seems to indicate that:
13 And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?” 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Daniel 8:13, 14.)
Someone might think that 2015Nisan1 has no place in the biblical chronology, but in reality this date is only half a year away from the autumn of 2014, when the generation that fought in WW1 will be 120 years old. This addition of six months probably has to do with the realignment of the calendar of spring to autumn. In fact, although the "saints" could be reunited with the true Messiah at Pentecost 2012, it seems that the destruction of the enemies of God will have to happen during an extended period of time until the autumn of 2014 or the spring of 2015. At that time, the chronological model of the sanctuary will have been completed.
19 And the temple [sanctuary] of God that is in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple [sanctuary]. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail.. (Revelation 11:19).
It is possible that after the completion of the model of the sanctuary in the spring of 2012, when the "saints" have already been collected, the plagues will be poured out that will finfish off this system of things. The situation will be similar to the
The NorthCom Exercise and Isaiah30:26

Dear Readers!
I would like to share a letter with you that was played into my hands a concerned member of the political establishment…
Dear Dr. Fetzer:
Despite strong concerns generated by the Marriott Hotel Islamabad bombing as a fairly obvious inside job, I have felt reluctant to draft another alert unless we have something reasonably solid in terms of a major upcoming military exercise or geopolitical event as an anchor point that might also be coincident with a possible terror date code.
Today I uncovered a prime candidate. A Public Affairs Officer at USNORTHCOM told me that Vigilant Shield '09 is coming up around November 11th. (The exercise is "'09" because in October we enter the government fiscal year of 2009). It will be one of the two major exercises for the year, the other having been NLE 2-08 run from 1-8 May (specifically targeting Seattle) that we covered in a prior joint alert.
USNORTHCOM has not released any information yet on the upcoming exercise. The public affairs officer said that he was not aware of any other exercises between now and 11 November.
This exercise will take place a little over seven weeks following the Marriott Hotel Islamabad bombing, compared to the roughly three weeks following the 3-11-2004 Madrid and London 7-7-2005 bombings when the BP Texas City refinery experienced explosions. However, the
While it may be a little bit early yet to issue a full scale public alert based upon the limited information I have obtained so far about the VS09 exercise, it would help if recipients of this email could keep a sharp eye out for other possible exercise-related indicators, to include details about Vigilant Shield '09 itself.
I am trying to think of ways that there could be some kind of political logic for Al-CIA-Mossad-duh to stage a false flag domestic terror event after the 4 Nov elections as opposed to before them. As one idea, perhaps the Bush cabal handlers may reason that they will still have King George as their continuing Zombie-Golem to oversee a false flag attack in his capacity as lame duck President, but at the same time they will be able to closely advise the President-elect on how to react publicly to the grave consequences of a false flag event as training wheels for when he later assumes office.
I appreciate whatever input recipients of this email can provide.
Sadly, the latest update I got from Patti Woodard is that Capt May remains incapacitated, and it is still unknown when or if he may improve. Perhaps Patti can help me get this message out to all researchers.
Best regards,
Bill Fox
So we see that there is some major uproar about this exercise which we also be held during the global financial summit on Nov15.
Another reader sent me some comments about his thoughts on Isaiah 30:26:
“We had previously thought that the 7 years were the 7 calendar years starting Nisan2001; and that the 7 months were 7 calendar months from Nisan2008 to Tishri2008.
Reading your postings, I see that Heshvan15 converts in the Jewish calendar to November 12/13. A full moon starts on the morning of November 13.
I then looked at Heshvan7, 2001 on the BLC, and this is shown as
The question then arises: Can Isaiah 30:26 be considered in terms of 7 Gregorian years followed by 7 lunar cycles which started on 28th October the first full moon being on the 13th of November?”
I replied that these might be different kinds of cycles or 'times'. The Scripture mentions the 'moon' and the 'glowing' representing the sun. Maybe that is a cryptic hint to take it just as you did. 7 cycles of real 'solar years' followed by 7 cycles of 7 lunar months!
The fascinating 'coincidence' is that the great NorthCom nuclear anti-terror exercise starts today... So it will be on during the full moon AND during the global summit…
May our Lord comes soon,
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Barack O bama as a sign of the time!

Dear Brothers!
I have done an interesting word play after looking up Hebrew meanings using my BibleWorks. Here is what I found…
Part 1:
In Matthew 24:27, Jesus explains how his “coming” will be connected to lightning.
27 For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the coming/presence of the Son of man will be. (Matthew24)
This verse was always strange to me, because as already Charles Russell pointed out, lightning as in a thunderstorm does not travel from the east to the west. In fact, usually in travels vertically! The ray of the sun does so metaphorically, this is why some translate this ‘astrape’ as ‘dawn’.
But let us see what happens if we take it to mean lightning. The word translated ‘for’ is ‘gar’ and can also be translated as ‘then”. Reading it that way, this travelling of the ‘lightning’ can be taken as a marker in time, as an event marking the coming of the Lord.
Here is the strange thing. Look up the Hebrew word for ‘lightning’. Here is a verse from Zechariah using the word translated ‘lightning’…
14 And over them Jehovah himself will be seen, and his arrow will certainly go forth just like lightning. And on the horn the Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will blow, and he will certainly go with the windstorms of the south. (Zechariah9)
The Theological Word Book of the Old Testament shows that ‘lightning’ is…
(287b) qr'b' (b¹r¹q) II, Barak noun common masculine singular absolute.
Barack Obama grew up in the “East”, in the country of
Part 2:
Since I found this idea interesting (well, weird but interesting), I looked for the meaning of Barack’s surname.
Well, here is a Scripture that has the word “bama” in it…
32 And Jer·o·bo´am went on to make a festival in the eighth month on the fifteenth day of the month, like the festival that was in Judah, that he might make offerings upon the altar that he had made in Beth´el, to sacrifice to the calves that he had made; and he put in attendance at Beth´el the priests of the high places that he had made. (2Kings12)
Here is the comment of the TWOT…
1116 hm'B' bamah {bam-maw'}
• from an unused root (meaning to be high); TWOT - 253; n f
• AV - high place 100, heights 1, waves 1; 102
• 1) high place, ridge, height, bamah (technical name for cultic platform)
As an aside, I want to point out that the 15th day of the 8th month is Heshvan15, November12/13 Jewish Calendar and November17/18 BLC.
Now what about the remaining ‘O’?
The Hebrew letter sometimes pronounced as an ‘o’ is the ‘waw’ or ‘vav’. Wikipedia tells us…
Vav Conjunctive: when a vav connects two words or parts of a sentence; it is a grammatical conjunction meaning 'and', cognate to the Arabic. This is the most common usage.
Vav can be used as a mater lectionis for an 'o' vowel, in which case it is usually pronounced as ‘o’.
So actually, we could read the name of the President-elect as “Lightning and Heights” or “Lightning and High Places”.