The truce Officially ended in Gaza at 6 am local time, 19 Dec 08. The missile fire has continued. Israel has now approved a GAZA Operation. This Wednesdays Security Cabinet meeting is expected to approve the timing, final details and a list of targets for aerial bombardment. The US, Russia and Egypt have already been informed. PM Olmert is to visit Turkey on Monday. Turkey may become involved when this war begins to spread, as Syrian or Iranian missiles may be directed at US Bases in Turkey. Turkish air space may also be used. Foreign Minister Livni will meet with European and UN Security Council Representatives. The attack is expected to begin with an aerial bombardment of militant bases, storage and training facilities, infrastructure, communications and command systems; including the attempted assassinations of leadership personalities. The militants are expected to respond with large barrages of missiles, which may reach Ashdod and Be'er Sheva. The possibility of suicide attacks within Israel is also high. As this progresses, it will acquire a life of it's own, resulting in the long expected ground invasion. For a general overview please re read THE IMMINENT MIDDLE EAST WAR page. It is highly likely to spread to Hezbullah and Iran. I have been warning of this. This spreading and escalation will appear to be natural and accidental, it is not; it has been planned, it is deliberate; and intended to make a complete change in the Middle East. This entry, was made today, December 21. The decision on a Gaza operation was made last Thursday. PM Olmert to visit Turkey tomorrow, with Livni and others presenting their case to the Europeans. Russia and Egypt have already been informed. Action will begin with an aerial bombardment and then gain a life of it's own as the enemy responds. This Wednesday's Security Cabinet meeting is expected to approve target lists and decide on timing. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3641853,00.html THE operations goal will be to overthrow and destroy Hamas and other militants. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gnzpS2-hKdyhbY3Y9lSYt9L6g0IA We can expect the bombardment to begin any time after Wednesday, although the timing will be subject to political and military considerations. On Saturday the US Chief of the General Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen announced that the Pentagon will surge up to 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan by early summer; subject to approval be President Obama. I have warned that this was coming. B Obama is saying that the war started in Afghanistan and will FINISH there. He intends to approve an Afghan offensive for next summer to destroy al Qaeda and end the war by fall. This presupposes that Hamas, Hezbullah and Iran have already been dealt with. This has all been carefully planned out and prepared for. It is all being allowed by Almighty God to fulfill His will and the Holy Scripture. |
After 18 months of a Roller Coaster ride, covering the ups and downs of the ongoing events we are finally arriving at the core events that I have been warning of. May God bless his children, Mike |
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