A brief comment on "the ten horns"
Article in association with Emmanuel
What are the "ten horns" according to the Scriptures, and what will these do?
12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so]. (Revelation 17)
Apparently, the "hour" in which these "ten kings" receive authority has not yet arrived. Soon we will see the full meaning of this vision.
The prophecy indicates that these are the "ten horns" that will destroy "
16 And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (Revelation 17)
As we have seen they will also "fight against the Lamb". These events together surely mark the end of our system. Emmanuel deduces that the time of the authority of the "ten kings" will begin in fall 2008, when the "great tribulation", will begin and ends in spring 2012 when they will fight their final battle with the Messiah. I would like to add, that I feel that the beginning of the Great Tribulation and the power of those 10 kings could well be two separate events. The power of the ten kings might be a reaction of the global community, a result of the events of the Great Tribulation!
However, within the United Nations the Security Council consists of two groups: five permanent members and ten non-permanent members.
The five permanent members are:
1. United States of America
2. The
4. The
The first three nations make up the bloc led by the "king of the south" and the last two, the bloc constitutes the "king of the north".
The ten non-permanent members are (in brackets the year when their mandate expires):
9. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (2009)
It seems possible although we can not be certain about it, that the ten non-permanent members are those who correspond with the "ten horns", only in the sense that they "have not yet received a kingdom." Sure, it's hard to imagine that these nations exert great authority, but you never know.
Surely the first five members currently dominate the decisions of the world, whereas the others have been relegated to the background. So it seems unlikely that the Big Five are the ten horns.
On the other hand, maybe the "ten horns" represent ten years in which the Quartet for the
Either way, a time of change is approaching. Already for some years now efforts are being made to radically reform the Security Council. However, it appears that some unforeseen event will open the way to a sudden reformation and the placing of the "disgusting thing causing desolation".
A BBC World Service poll that surveyed 23 countries finds nearly universal support for dramatic reforms in the United Nations in parallel with a desire for increased UN power in the world. Majorities throughout the world favor adding permanent new members to the UN Security Council, with most favoring adding
The poll of 23,518 people was conducted for the BBC World Service by the international polling firm GlobeScan together with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the
The poll reveals that expanding the UN Security Council to include new permanent members is supported by a majority in 22 of the 23 countries. These include majorities in four of the current permanent members, the
Of five countries that are widely discussed as candidates for permanent membership,
A majority of countries also favor
In all countries but one, more people favor than oppose the idea of giving the UN Security Council the power to override the veto of a permanent member. Respondents were asked about the right, held by each of the five permanent Security Council members, to block any resolution with a veto, and were told: “Some people have proposed that this should be changed so that if a decision was supported by all the other members, no one member could veto the decision.” Respondents in the US, Britain, France, Russia, and China were reminded in the question that their own country would lose the veto: for instance, Americans heard that “if a decision was supported by all the other members, no one member, not even the United States, could veto the decision.” In the US, 57 percent favor giving up the absolute veto (34% opposed), Britain is similar at 56 percent (35% opposed) and in China a 48 percent plurality is in favor (36% opposed). Overall, citizens in 21 countries favor ending the absolute veto (16 majorities, 5 pluralities), with an average of 58 percent in favor and just 24 percent opposed. However, two permanent members are divided:
There is an extraordinary degree of consensus in favor of the UN becoming “significantly more powerful in world affairs.” This prospect is seen as “mainly positive” in every country (21 majorities, 2 pluralities) and by an average of 64 percent. A mere 19 percent on average sees this prospect as mainly negative. Especially enthusiastic are
Steven Kull, director of PIPA comments, “Very large majorities all around the world are calling for the UN to become more powerful in world affairs. Consistent with this sentiment there is broad support for making the UN Security Council more representative by adding new members, and making it less unwieldy by giving the UN Security Council the power to override the veto of a permanent member. Most striking, even citizens in three of the five permanent member states are willing to give up their absolute veto power, and the other two are divided. The readiness for dramatic change is very palpable.”
Doug Miller, President of GlobeScan says, “Results suggest that the tight control of the United Nations by a few countries may soon be history. There is strong popular support for the democratization of the UN system.”
The 63rd session and our dates
The most likely time for the start of the "great tribulation" and the placing of the "disgusting thing causing desolation" is this autumn 2008. Therefore, it could be a result of the decisions taken by the United Nations General Assembly’s 63rd session. We will watch closely.
It may not be coincidental that their general assemblies always are held around the beginning of autumn. This year’s session might have a very ugly outcome.
In 2008 the Opening Session of the General Assembly will take place on
We therefore must consider closely what will happen at the UN Headquarters in
Michael & Emmanuel
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