Congress has backed out of the situation completely and has allowed the fox (Federal Reserve) to completely run the henhouse on this one just as the other 11 central banks have been allowed to do. This is a complete sell out to “we the people” who entrusted these “elected” officials to direct fiscal policy.
The central banks have just about succeeded in their quest to bankrupt every nation on the planet.
Do not think that this was by accident! It is all just another phase of the NWO plan coupled along with the fear mongering in the guise of world wide terror. Everything they are doing is by their own hand and does not reflect the will of the people in any way. They have completely removed our voice from their plans and have everything in place for the final phase of this assault, that being the mother of all false flag attacks to kick off the “clash of civilizations” we have been expecting for some time now. The Great Tribulation will be in full bloom after that.
The ultimate goal for them is the NWO under a one world government and one world bank all using the same monetary system for buying and selling. It will be sold as the only answer to this global crisis that they themselves created. The bright side is that it will also bring to consummation all wickedness while ushering in the
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