A part of the story:
The Philadelphia Bulletin newspaper reported today…
“In tandem with United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the PA and PLO have decided to recognize Jerusalem as "the capital of Arab culture" for 2009.
The Philadelphia Bulletin newspaper reported today…
“In tandem with United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the PA and PLO have decided to recognize Jerusalem as "the capital of Arab culture" for 2009.
UNESCO is working with Palestinian Authority officials and key Israeli Arab figures in Israel to organize celebrations and turn them into a huge event against what they describe as the Israeli occupation of "Holy Jerusalem."
From the prophetic models we have discussed, it seems that the Muslim Arabs have a God given right of occupying and dominating the Middle East today. It also seems that the Koran and the Muslim religion itself have a God given role to fulfil.
There is a biblical and prophetical reason for the controversy and the repeated hostilities between Muslims and Jews & Christians. A hostility that we can see since the crusades of the dark ages…
7 Later Jehovah’s angel found her at a fountain of waters in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur. 8 And he began to say: “Ha´gar, maidservant of Sar´ai, just where have you come from and where are you going?” To this she said: “Why, from Sar´ai my mistress I am running away.” 9 And Jehovah’s angel went on to say to her: “Return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hand.” 10 Then Jehovah’s angel said to her: “I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude.” 11 Further Jehovah’s angel added to her: “Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ish´ma•el; for Jehovah has heard your affliction. 12 As for him, he will become a zebra of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and the hand of everyone will be against him; and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle.” 13 Then she began to call the name of Jehovah, who was speaking to her: “You are a God of sight,” for she said: “Have I here actually looked upon him who sees me?” 14 That is why the well was called Be´er-la´hai-roi. Here it is between Ka´desh and Be´red. (Genesis 16)
Could the "fountain" or "well" symbolically represent a new religion? I can not be sure about it but studying the OT, we see that the concept of a well or source of water is often related with baptisms and covenants.
We see that Ishmael, which means "God hears", would have to fight "against all". And surely, his descendents have grown rapidly and have become a great multitude in front of the physical and spiritual offspring of Isaac.
13 Now these are the names of the sons of Ish´ma•el, by their names, according to their family origins: Ish´ma•el’s firstborn Ne•ba´ioth and Ke´dar and Ad´be•el and Mib´sam 14 and Mish´ma and Du´mah and Mas´sa, 15 Ha´dad and Te´ma, Je´tur, Na´phish and Ked´e•mah. 16 These are the sons of Ish´ma•el, and these are their names by their courtyards and by their walled camps: twelve chieftains according to their clans. 17 And these are the years of Ish´ma•el’s life, a hundred and thirty-seven years. Then he expired and died and was gathered to his people. 18 And they took up tabernacling from Hav´i•lah near Shur, which is in front of Egypt, as far as As•syr´i•a. In front of all his brothers he settled down. (Genesis 25:13-18.)
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