The Names Code of the Bible
The meaning of a name was considered very important in biblical times. Sometimes the Bible itself informs the reader what a name means. Such renowned persons as Adam, Cain, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (and all 12 sons), Perez, Peleg and Jesus all have the meaning of their name explicitly given in the Bible. Their names tell the story of why or how they were born.
Some students of the Bible have wondered whether these names (with their meanings) might not be strung together in succession to tell some larger story. For if the meaning of these names do indeed tell a story then this would imply that God himself arranged these names providentially throughout the ages. This would also help prove that the genealogy of Jesus is of divine origin.
There have already been attempts to string together the first 10 names in the Bible from Adam to Noah. Here is the most probable interpretation of those names in succession
A man is appointed, a man of sorrow. The Praise of God shall come down and teach that his death shall bring the grieving comfort
Here is a brief analyses of the first ten names that do hold the whole Christian story of salvation, written by a Jew 1,500 years before the birth of Jesus…
# | Name | Meaning |
1 | Adam | "Man"; "Mankind" (Comes from the word meaning, "to be red", as in the red earth [or red blood?]) |
2 | Seth | "Appointed"; "placed"; "put". 25 And Adam proceeded to have intercourse again with his wife and so she gave birth to a son and called his name Seth, because, as she said: “God has appointed another seed in place of Abel (Genesis 4) |
3 | Enosh | "Man"; "mortal/frail man” |
4 | Kenan | “possession” but sounds like, and is related to the word for a 'dirge' or a 'wailing chant', hence "sorrow" |
5 | Mahalalel | “The Praise of God”; "The Fame of God"; "The Glory of God". 3 He is the reflection of [his] glory and the exact representation of his very being, and he sustains all things by the word of his power; and after he had made a purification for our sins he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty in lofty places. (Hebrews 1) |
6 | Jared | “Coming down" |
7 | Enoch | “Initiated”; "dedicated". Strongs says, "A primitive root; properly to narrow; figuratively to initiate or discipline: - dedicate, train up." |
8 | Methuselah | “Man of the missile/dart”; "His death shall bring". The latter reading is the more sure (though not according to etymology) in that "His death brought" the flood; that is, Methuselah died just months before the flood. Nevertheless, even the name "Man of the dart/spear" perhaps suggests the type of death that Messiah would die, for "He was pierced for our transgressions," (Isa. 53). |
9 | Lamech | "Grieving", "poor"; "the strikerdown". These are all possible meanings, but none are certain. What is for sure, however, is that the name sounds like the Hebrew phrase, "Lamoch", meaning, "To sink down in despair", and so it is rendered here. |
10 | Noah | “rest” or “comfort” 29 And he proceeded to call his name Noah, saying: “This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed. (Genesis 5 |
For further names and analyzes visit
From this specific realization we can deduce that all names mentioned in the Scriptures are of prophetic importance. This seems to be true also of geographic places which’s names are given. While we currently do not fully understand this dimension of the Code we have experienced that sometimes an account virtually decodes and interprets itself when we insert the actual meanings of the names and places mentioned.
What is an acrostic? According to, ‘acrostic’ comes from the late Greek akróstichon, from ákros, "top", and stíchos, "verse" is a poem or other writing in an alphabetic script, in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out another message.
This hidden acrostic is derived from the first three genealogies recorded in the bible, (Gen. 4, 5, 11). The first two genealogies overlap in that they both begin from Adam. The first is the genealogy of Cain's line (the ungodly line) whereas the second is the genealogy of Seth (the godly line). In the first genealogy, the first letter of each of the consecutive 8 names are read in order, and this is again repeated in Seth's line all the way down to Abraham's father, Terah.
From Adam come two lines of decent through his sons Cain and Seth. The acrostic for Cain's line begins with Adam and ends with Jabal, and the acrostic for Seth's line also begins with Adam but ends with Terah and with his son, Abraham. These two parallel acrostics refer to four incidents in the bible, and these four incidents happen to occur at either end of the two lines of decent!
The acrostics refer to the time of Cain and Jabal, and to the time of Adam and Abraham. Thus, the acrostic refers to incidents in the history of man that occur at either end of the acrostic's genealogy, and this in turn is applied prophetically to Christ. If the acrostic were somehow the work of inconceivable random chance, the bible code would not also produce logical sentences that capsulate key events in the two lineages, and each at either end of the genealogies, and then soundly apply them to Jesus who ultimately completes the genealogy! Together, the acrostic reads:
“I will choose a circumcised people, even peoples for myself!" (Cain’s line)
"I will forgive them that rose up against me, having compassion, forgiving those from the dust a second time!" (Seth’s line)
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