Dear Readers!
Two items today.
1. Predicted Stock Market Rally today, Oct. 13, 2008
Given my understanding of politics and the game that is played by the elite, I predict a rally in shares and a big rise in the global indices today! If there is no security threat this week,we will see rising share prices and market recovery throughout the week.
So it is a good time to make quick money, but be careful and be warned, the next chrash is already prepared...
2. A new Bretton Woods
Here is an article I have found, proposing an alternative monetary system since the late 90's. It is an interesting read...
The appeal urged the U.S. President to ``use the Powers of the Presidency of the United States, to convoke, on an emergency basis, a new international Bretton Woods conference, to replace the present bankrupt monetary system with a new one. A global debt reorganization, the establishment of fixed-parity exchange rates and a new set of trade and tariff agreements, are the absolute precondition for stability in world economic and financial relations, which is required for a return to economic growth.''
On Oct. 19, 2000, 25 Italian Senators, one-quarter of the Italian Senate, introduced a motion to bind their government to seek a summit to save the world from the ``devastating effects'' of today's speculation-driven global economic system. The Senate move came one week after Lyndon LaRouche visited
What Is a New Bretton Woods Financial System?
The original Bretton Woods system came into being at a conference of 44 nations beginning on
1. The core of the new system was the arrangement for fixed currency parities, which would make it possible to revive world trade. The value of the dollar was pegged to a specific weight of gold, and, until the end of the 1960s, it functioned as the accepted substitute for gold. Exchange rates of other currencies were to be changed in relation to the dollar or gold, only as a measure of last resort, after national policy measures had been exhausted. Long-term investment and trade could thus be undertaken on a stable currency background, and risk of dramatic currency losses and speculation was nonexistent at that time.
From the beginning, however, there were clashes between the "free-trade" colonial policies of the British delegation, and the concepts of President Roosevelt, who had told
In calling for a New Bretton Woods, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. has specified five steps that must be taken today:
1. Governments must not attempt to bail out the speculators. Let the derivatives market and other paper values collapse as they may: it's only paper! The only necessary action of government on this account, is to protect people, productive enterprise, and useful trade in hard commodities and science-related services.
2. The credit and issued public Treasury debt of national governments must be protected at all costs; otherwise, the necessary measures of economic recovery and growth would not be possible.
3. There must be no mass evictions, or breaks in continuity of operations of essential production and distribution of goods and essential services. During the 1929-31 Depression, terrible blunders were imposed upon the
4. The President of the
5. A global recovery program must be adopted to foster immediate recovery in world hard-commodity trade, and to provide an urgently wanted general stimulant for the private economies of the participating nations. The core of such a recovery program is the Eurasian Land-Bridge, creating corridors of high-technology infrastructural and industrial development, with "spiral arms" extending to
While I think that many of those suggestions are wise, we must keep in mind that whatever man does to resolve the selfmade crisis's, he will not succeed, because "it does not belong to the man that is walking even to direct hist step".
We must look to Jesus and his Kingdom as the only source of permanent solutions for our kind.
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