Dear Readers!
Please read the news carefully nowadays! All major politicians and bankers use phrases like “economic global governance” or “new global financial order (or system)”. We are seeing in real time the preparations for total control, probably through what Revelation calls “the mark of the beast”…
16 And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Revelation13)
The world’s central bankers are gathering this week at the IMF-World Bank conference in Washington DC and are expected to grease the skids for the creation of a machinery of world economic governance under the pretext of preventing a repeat of the financial crisis, a global economic policeman to patrol a de-facto financial dictatorship.
Bilderberg member and recently appointed UK Business Secretary Peter Mandelson (pictured above) argued last week that new global solutions are needed because “the machinery of global economic governance barely exists”, adding: “It is time for a Bretton Woods for this century,” reports the Telegraph, noting that “Opinion is now hardening around the case for a new global architecture to enforce rules that ensure lessons are learnt.”
This followed the proposal to create a new EU body to regulate banks across the entire European financial market.
Top EU officials, including economy commissioner Joaquin Almunia, have stated that the EU should have greater powers to regulate and intervene in the operations of financial institutions across Europe.
Influential media giants like the Wall Street Journal are pushing a “new world order” to solve the crisis, while British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for a “a new global financial order” to supersede the institutions created after World War II.
The elite are up to their old tricks again, after all, a leopard never changes its spots.
They created the problem of wildly irresponsible fractional reserve banking, the debt bubble and the credit crunch by ceaselessly inflating the money supply and now they are going to offer their solution to the crisis - the further centralization of global economic power into fewer hands.
Appointing the former CEO of Goldman Sachs to oversee the bailout and ensure the bankers divvy up the spoils of the greatest stick-up heist in history amongst themselves was not enough for these fascists - they want to go full board and exploit the crisis they caused to advance the stuttering agenda for world government that has been in the works for the best part of 100 years at least.
I again advice my readers to take out their money and buy tools, goods, containers, batteries, transistors, motors, tins & cans etc. now, as long as money has any value and as long as it is possible to buy and sell without this mark.
May God protect all the faithful ones,
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